The Young Scientists Session (YSS) is a unique and special occasion that the IDRiM conference offers each year to young scientists and practitioners as an opportunity to present their innovative research to a wider audience. This year’s conference will follow a similar format to last year, where participants of the YSS will present their research in the same sessions as other, more senior researchers.
Entrance Requirements
Qualifications to be a Young Scientist are not determined by age or position. Presenters at past YSS events have primarily been graduate students (including Master’s), PhD candidates, researchers who received their PhD degrees within the past four years, practitioners who have started working in the disaster field within the last four years, and researchers who made their debut in an international academic discussion. These time limits do not include any periods taken off due to illness, family illness, or maternity leave.
Individuals who have pursued a PhD later in life after having a significant career and/or making substantial contributions to the field of disaster research may not automatically qualify for YSS. Eligibility for such applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the YSS committee, so please still apply. If you are unsure whether you qualify for the YSS, please contact the IDRiM Secretariat at and/or YSS Committee Chair at
Abstract submission
Young scientists should submit their abstracts according to the guidelines for oral or poster presentation.
Each abstract should have up to 400 words and a title up to 20 words long. All abstracts should be submitted in English.
Abstracts should present the research objectives, the approach and methodology, the findings, and highlight the significance of the work for policy and practice.
Furthermore, submission of abstracts involves the following information:
- Presentation title (Max. 20 words)
- Author(s), affiliation(s) (including country, city and postcode for each) & email(s)
- Presenting author
- Keywords (Max. 5)
- Abstract (Max. 400 words)
- Preferred mode of presentation: Oral presentation and/or poster presentation, in-person or online
- Suggested conference topic(s) relevant to the abstract.
- Reason for participation in the Young Scientists Track
All abstracts will be reviewed by the IDRiM Scientific Committee. Upon acceptance, authors will be notified by email.
Authors are kindly requested to use the proposed template and follow the instructions accurately. To download the abstract template please click here.
Participation Format
Participations will be given either an oral presentation or poster slot at the conference, given their choice of preference. Each speaker will have approximately ten minutes for their presentation and discussion. Young speakers will receive insightful feedback from senior researchers and other participants.
Best Young Scientists Award
As IDRiM does every year, we have organized the “Best Young Scientist Award” competition, where we request all senior researchers to serve as judges. Due to the two formats, there will be two winners of the competition this year. Please note that the conference organizers reserve the right to change this.
After The Conference
The top three YSS awardees from IDRiM 2025, will be invited to a specially arranged session in 2026. This session will give the awardees a chance to deliver a full academic-style presentation to celebrate their achievement. The exact date and time of this event will be decided in consultation between the YSS and events committee and the awardees in the weeks following the IDRiM 2025 conference. To view past awardee presentations, please visit:
All YSS participants are encouraged to submit full-length papers. These submissions will be reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the IDRiM journal. For more details about the journal, please visit: