IDRiM2025 encompasses the following topics, preferably focusing on islands and remote areas although other contributions, for example concerning urban areas, will be also considered.

Understanding disaster risk

  • (Disaster) Risk assessment at a local level considering global flows and trends
  • Frameworks to bridge knowledge and practice, fostering collaborative approaches to risk assessment
  • Coastal and mountain hazards and risks in the era of climate change
  • All-of-society engagement and participation for better risk and disaster data
  • Citizen science for disaster risk reduction
  • Sharing risk knowledge amongst different geo-administrative levels, sectors, communities, and scientific fields
  • Spatial and temporal dimensions of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and disaster risk
  • Comparing disaster response and recovery capacities in remote vs. non-remote areas

Strengthening disaster risk governance towards reducing and managing disaster risk in islands and remote areas

  • All-of-society disaster risk reduction and management
  • Risk awareness, information and communication leaving no one behind
  • Capacity-building for participatory and risk-informed decision-making
  • Science-policy-practice-community collaboration in disaster reduction and management
  • Developing capacities and knowledge towards a resilient future
  • Policies for enhancing individual, community and institutional disaster resilience and climate change adaptation
  • Risk governance structures that integrate implementation science to enhance cross-sectoral collaboration and coordination

Investing in disaster risk reduction and resilience in islands and remote areas

  • Sustainable and resilient infrastructure, tools and systems to improve accessibility
  • Incentivizing private sector investment and engagement in disaster risk reduction
  • Innovative investments and financing mechanisms for islands and remote areas
  • Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction towards local development
  • Risk informed investment in islands and remote areas, focusing on health, transport and tourism
  • Investing in Nature based Solutions for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
  • Comparing approaches to infrastructure resilience in remote and non-remote areas

Improving disaster preparedness and response – “Build Back Better”

  • Multi-Hazard early warning systems considering local priorities and challenges
  • Emergency evacuation and relocation through the lens of sustainable development
  • Information and Communication Systems for crisis and disaster management
  • Disaster recovery and reconstruction of historic / traditional settlements and areas
  • Build Back Better from disaster
  • Inclusive preparedness, response, recovery and reconstruction
  • Leveraging resilience to hazards and sustainability through disaster reconstruction
  • Learning from disasters
  • Embedding adaptive processes in disaster preparedness and emergency response efforts

Overall, we welcome contributions from around the world, related to disaster risk assessment, reduction and management; risk perception and communication; risk governance; crisis and emergency management; disaster preparedness and response; disaster recovery and reconstruction; climate change adaptation; resilience to hazards and disasters; sustainable development and disaster risk reduction.