Each abstract should have up to 400 words and a title up to 20 words long. All abstracts should be submitted in English.
Abstracts should present the research objectives, the approach and methodology, the findings, and highlight the significance of the work for policy and practice.
Furthermore, abstracts should include the following information:
- Presentation title (Max. 20 words)
- Author(s), affiliation(s) (including country, city and postcode for each) & email(s)
- Presenting author
- Keywords (Max. 5)
- Abstract (Max. 400 words)
- Preferred type of presentation: Oral presentation or poster presentation (one or the other)
- Suggested conference topic in which they fall under.
Authors are kindly requested to use the proposed template and follow the instructions accurately.
All abstracts will be reviewed by the IDRiM Scientific Committee. Upon acceptance, authors will be notified by email.