Recognizing that a professional society for advancing integrated disaster risk management is more critical than ever, IDRiM put in place IDRiM Society Strategic Plan 2030.

10 Strategic Objectives delineate the direction of the IDRiM Society towards going forward and accomplishing its Mission.

  • Establish the IDRiM Society as a leading global hub for integrated disaster risk management.
  • Seek to maintain and expand membership.
  • Increase IDRiM’s finances.
  • Expand the scope and breadth of the IDRiM annual conference so that it becomes a major global event for integrated disaster research and practice.
  • Stimulate high-quality research, research integration and implementation.
  • Continue to provide a forum and opportunities for researchers, and foster their involvement and initiative.
  • Promote diversity and inclusivity.
  • Promote the development and application of implementation science research and case studies.
  • Advance the provision of risk-based evidence for policy at the local, regional, national, and international levels.
  • Continue to disseminate and to provide easy access to IDRiM and implementation science research and solutions.

Please click here to access IDRiM Society Strategic Plan 2030